Mallorca’s energy efficiency certificates

Energy savings will no longer be a concern

One of the most important issues is energy efficiency in buildings and homes. Energy saving is one of the main concerns, since it drastically reduces the cost and maintenance of the house, in addition to contributing to the environmental balance.


It is, therefore, that many new buildings must have an energy efficiency certificate that guarantees correct thermal well-being. A thermal well-being that must be based on the locality in which the property is located and that guarantees the appropriate temperature inside the house, both in summer and winter, with the least possible use of energy demand, both in the cost of electricity and gas.

Energy efficiency avoids consuming more than necessary


Obviously, obtaining the energy efficiency certificate is not only useful so that we can live more comfortably, it can also be interesting for a possible sale or rental of the house, since it appreciates significantly. Regardless of the reason for obtaining this certificate, it is expensive, which is an investment that pays for itself in a very short time.

When talking about a new work, the regulations regarding energy efficiency must be strictly complied with. Now, for a reform, it is not always an obligation. However, energy efficiency is highly recommended avoiding consuming more than necessary. In no time, you will notice.

Good thermal insulation can be the solution


Part of the work to ensure adequate energy efficiency resides in thermal insulation. Thanks to this insulation, it is achieved that neither heat nor excessive cold makes us have to make greater use of air conditioning or heating, depending on the season of the year. Therefore, the facade and glass insulation are essential.

In ViveComoKieras, we take care of all aspects to improve energy efficiency, both in buildings and homes.


We focus on each project and its characteristics, in order to achieve greater savings.

Contact information

Urbanización Segregación Rústica Sarajassa 5ºB
07199 Palma de Mallorca (Baleares) / Spain

Phones: (+34) 971 86 38 74 | (+34) 673 87 46 16


Horary: Monday to Friday
from 8:30 to 13:00 and from 15:00 to 19:00

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