Real Estate Market Study in Mallorca

We analyze the real estate market in Mallorca

Before diving into any real estate investment in Mallorca, it is advisable to carry out an effective and complete market study to buy or invest. We collect the information, you make the decisions.

The real estate valuation is based on the study of the value of a real estate, that is to say, it is necessary to consider a physical reality consisting of a set of land and buildings (land and construction).

In order to properly value the property, it is necessary to establish a type of value and choose the most appropriate valuation method to achieve the objective. In this way, you can achieve an objective approximation of the price of the good.

We rely on the best analysts who get the necessary data, such as the average price of a flat and how much you should pay for a rental in Mallorca, as well as information about the competition and much more. This is essential to be able to do a good market study that suits your needs.

Going to ViveComoKieras will bring you a series of advantages from the first moment, since we are qualified so that you can decide with documentation and with little margin for error, it’s that easy!

Find out all the information about the real estate market in Mallorca


In this way, you will know and value the aspects of your home in order to determine a target price or sell it in other international markets. If you know your future clients, you will be able to fulfill your objectives.

It is not the same to go to the market without any information, than to do it how your competitors act. If you know their behavior, you can offer a better offer and, therefore, you will win the sale.

Doing a real estate market study in Mallorca on your own can be too expensive, both in time and effort. In addition, it will not be as complete as what a real estate agency can make you.

Go to an agency with experience like ViveComoKieras to carry out the real estate market study you need..

Contact information

Urbanización Segregación Rústica Sarajassa 5ºB
07199 Palma de Mallorca (Baleares) / Spain

Phones: (+34) 971 86 38 74 | (+34) 673 87 46 16


Horary: Monday to Friday
from 8:30 to 13:00 and from 15:00 to 19:00

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